visual studio build errors
i tried to create a project from scratch using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010, build an application using CHAI3D,i followed step by step the documentation chapter called Creating an Application found in the Overview section of CHAI3D,but the build is failed
1>------ Build started: Project: CHAI3D, Configuration: Release x64 ------
1>Build started 08.02.2016 22:48:35.
1> Touching "obj/Release/x64\CHAI3D.unsuccessfulbuild".
1> All outputs are up-to-date.
1> CDeltaDevices.cpp
1>src\devices\CDeltaDevices.cpp(48): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'system/CDeltaDevices.h': No such file or directory
1>Build FAILED.
1>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.16
2>------ Build started: Project: project1, Configuration: Release x64 ------
2>Build started 08.02.2016 22:48:36.
2> Touching "x64\Release\project1.unsuccessfulbuild".
2> main.cpp
2>main.cpp(45): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'chai3d.h': No such file or directory
2>Build FAILED.
2>Time Elapsed 00:00:00.07
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 2 failed, 1 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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There appears to be two problems:
1>src\devices\CDeltaDevices.cpp(48): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'system/CDeltaDevices.h': No such file or directory
1>Build FAILED.
It seems that the CHAI3D project failed to compile. Could you perhaps place a fresh copy of CHAI3D in your external directory. Try to perhaps recompile the project in 32-bit instead.
2> main.cpp
2>main.cpp(45): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'chai3d.h': No such file or directory
Please check the project properties again and make sure that the directories were correctly setup for all configurations (Release 64-bit). See documentation:
Before modifying any of the properties, we assign the Configuration to All Configurations and the Platform to All Platforms. This will allow us to assign properties to all of the four possible modes simultaneously, respectively:
- Win32 / Debug
- Win32 / Release
- x64 / Debug
- x64 / Release
Try compiling the project in 32-bit and Debug mode. Sometimes we forget to follow the above notice and the project settings will only apply for one configuration.
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i try to build an example from chai3d topic teleoperator using two Novint Falcon devices. but i get these errors
1> CHAI3D-VS2010.vcxproj -> C:\Users\robotic\Desktop\application\external\CHAI3D\lib/Debug/x64\chai3d.lib
1> Deleting file "obj/Debug/x64\CHAI3D.unsuccessfulbuild".
1> Touching "obj/Debug/x64\CHAI3D.lastbuildstate".
1>Build succeeded.
1>Time Elapsed 00:01:17.05
3>------ Build started: Project: Project2, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
3>Build started 22.02.2016 18:24:04.
3> Creating directory "C:\Users\robotic\Desktop\application\Project2\x64\Debug\".
3> Creating "x64\Debug\Project2.unsuccessfulbuild" because "AlwaysCreate" was specified.
3> main.cpp
3>main.cpp(32): fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'hdl/dhdl.h': No such file or directory
3>Build FAILED.
3>Time Elapsed 00:00:01.11
========== Build: 2 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
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hdl/dhdl.h is not part of CHAI3D. Were you trying to import this files from another project perhaps?
Or were you maybe trying to include dhdc.h instead?
If this is the case, please note that you should not need to include any additional files to control the Force Dimension of Novint haptic devices as these are already included in the CHAI3D framework.
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here is my cpp code
This file is part of the CHAI 3D visualization and haptics libraries.
Copyright (C) 2003-2009 by CHAI 3D. All rights reserved.
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License("GPL") version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
For using the CHAI 3D libraries with software that can not be combined
with the GNU GPL, and for taking advantage of the additional benefits
of our support services, please contact CHAI 3D about acquiring a
Professional Edition License.
\author <>
\author Francois Conti
\version 2.0.0 $Rev: 265 $
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "timers/CPrecisionClock.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#include <hdl/hdl.h>
#include <hdlu/hdlu.h>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "chai3d.h"
// initial size (width/height) in pixels of the display win1dow
const int WINDOW_SIZE_W = 600;
const int WINDOW_SIZE_H = 600;
// mouse menu options (right button)
const int OPTION_FULLSCREEN = 1;
// maximum number of haptic devices supported in this demo
const int MAX_DEVICES = 8;
const double EndTime = 3600;
const double StartTime = 1;
// Handle to device
HDLDeviceHandle deviceHandle[MAX_DEVICES];
// Handle to Contact Callback
HDLServoOpExitCode servoOp;
cPrecisionClock* clock;
// a world that contains all objects of the virtual environment
cWorld* world;
// a camera that renders the world in a window display
cCamera* camera;
// a light source to illuminate the objects in the virtual scene
cLight *light;
// a little "chai3d" bitmap logo at the bottom of the screen
cBitmap* logo;
// width and height of the current window display
int displayW = 0;
int displayH = 0;
double Kp = 600.0; // [N/m]
double Kd = 10.0;
double Ki = 1;
const int MAX_FREQ_NUM = 1;
double Freq[MAX_FREQ_NUM];
int Freq_count = 0;
// a haptic device handler
cHapticDeviceHandler* handler;
// a table containing pointers to all haptic devices detected on this computer
cGenericHapticDevice* hapticDevices[MAX_DEVICES];
// a table containing pointers to label which display the position of
// each haptic device
cLabel* labels[MAX_DEVICES];
cGenericObject* rootLabels;
// number of haptic devices detected
int numHapticDevices = 0;
// table containing a list of 3D cursors for each haptic device
cShapeSphere* cursors[MAX_DEVICES];
// table containing a list of lines to display velocity
cShapeLine* velocityVectors[MAX_DEVICES];
// material properties used to render the color of the cursors
cMaterial matCursorButtonON;
cMaterial matCursorButtonOFF;
// status of the main simulation haptics loop
bool simulationRunning = false;
// root resource path
string resourceRoot;
// damping mode ON/OFF
bool useDamping = true;
// force field mode ON/OFF
bool useForceField = true;
// has exited haptics simulation thread
bool simulationFinished = false;
bool write_to_file = true;
bool EnableHaptics = true;
ofstream output[MAX_DEVICES];
struct HapticDevice
HDLDeviceHandle handle;
double workspaceDims[6];
cVector3d pos;
cVector3d vel;
double time;
cVector3d error; //Distance from desired trajectory
double transformMat[16];
cVector3d force;
bool button;
char* devicename;
HapticDevice hd[2];
// convert to resource path
#define RESOURCE_PATH(p) (char*)((resourceRoot+string(p)).c_str())
// callback when the window display is resized
void resizeWindow(int w, int h);
// callback when a keyboard key is pressed
void keySelect(unsigned char key, int x, int y);
// callback when the right mouse button is pressed to select a menu item
void menuSelect(int value);
// function called before exiting the application
void close(void);
// main graphics callback
void updateGraphics(void);
// main haptics loop
void updateHaptics(void);
cVector3d gravity_compensate(cVector3d);
DEMO: device.cpp
This application illustrates the use of the haptic device handler
"cHapticDevicehandler" to access all of the haptic devices
"cGenericHapticDevice" connected to the computer.
In this example the application opens an OpenGL window and displays a
3D cursor for each device. Each cursor (sphere + reference frame)
represents the position and orientation of its respective device.
If the operator presses the device user button (if available), the color
of the cursor changes accordingly.
In the main haptics loop function "updateHaptics()" , the position,
orientation and user switch status of each device are retrieved at
each simulation iteration. The information is then used to update the
position, orientation and color of the cursor. A force is then commanded
to the haptic device to attract the end-effector towards the device origin.
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
printf ("\n");
printf ("-----------------------------------\n");
printf ("CHAI 3D\n");
printf ("Demo: 01-devices\n");
printf ("Copyright 2003-2009\n");
printf ("-----------------------------------\n");
printf ("\n\n");
printf ("Keyboard Options:\n\n");
printf ("[1] - Render attraction force\n");
printf ("[2] - Render viscous environment\n");
printf ("[x] - Exit application\n");
printf ("\n\n");
// parse first arg to try and locate resources
resourceRoot = string(argv[0]).substr(0,string(argv[0]).find_last_of("/\\")+1);
clock = new cPrecisionClock();
// create a new world.
world = new cWorld();
// set the background color of the environment
// the color is defined by its (R,G,B) components.
world->setBackgroundColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// create a camera and insert it into the virtual world
camera = new cCamera(world);
// position and oriente the camera
camera->set( cVector3d (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), // camera position (eye)
cVector3d (0.0, 0.0, 0.0), // lookat position (target)
cVector3d (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)); // direction of the "up" vector
// set the near and far clipping planes of the camera
// anything in front/behind these clipping planes will not be rendered
camera->setClippingPlanes(0.01, 10.0);
// create a light source and attach it to the camera
light = new cLight(world);
camera->addChild(light); // attach light to camera
light->setEnabled(true); // enable light source
light->setPos(cVector3d( 2.0, 0.5, 1.0)); // position the light source
light->setDir(cVector3d(-2.0, 0.5, 1.0)); // define the direction of the light beam
// create a 2D bitmap logo
logo = new cBitmap();
// add logo to the front plane
// load a "chai3d" bitmap image file
bool fileload;
fileload = logo->m_image.loadFromFile(RESOURCE_PATH("resources/images/chai3d.bmp"));
if (!fileload)
#if defined(_MSVC)
fileload = logo->m_image.loadFromFile("../../../bin/resources/images/chai3d.bmp");
// position the logo at the bottom left of the screen (pixel coordinates)
logo->setPos(10, 10, 0);
// scale the logo along its horizontal and vertical axis
logo->setZoomHV(0.4, 0.4);
// here we replace all black pixels (0,0,0) of the logo bitmap
// with transparent black pixels (0, 0, 0, 0). This allows us to make
// the background of the logo look transparent.
cColorb(0, 0, 0), // original RGB color
cColorb(0, 0, 0, 0) // new RGBA color
// enable transparency
// create a haptic device handler
//handler = new cHapticDeviceHandler();
// read the number of haptic devices currently connected to the computer
//numHapticDevices = handler->getNumDevices();
numHapticDevices = hdlCountDevices();
// limit the number of devices to MAX_DEVICES
numHapticDevices = cMin(numHapticDevices, MAX_DEVICES);
hd[0].devicename = "falcon1";
hd[1].devicename = "falcon2";
// create a node on which we will attach small labels that display the
// position of each haptic device
rootLabels = new cGenericObject();
// create a small label as title
cLabel* titleLabel = new cLabel();
// define its position, color and string message
titleLabel->setPos(0, 30, 0);
titleLabel->m_fontColor.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
titleLabel->m_string = "Haptic Device Pos [mm]:";
// for each available haptic device, create a 3D cursor
// and a small line to show velocity
int i = 0;
std::cout << "Number of devices: " <<numHapticDevices <<std::endl;
double Freqmin;
double Freqmax;
cout<<"Enter the input frequency range"<<endl;
cout<<"Min: ";
cout<<"Max: ";
Freq[0] = Freqmin;
for(int i = 1; i < MAX_FREQ_NUM; i++)
Freq[i] = Freq[i-1] + (Freqmax - Freqmin)/(MAX_FREQ_NUM-1);
while (i < numHapticDevices)
// get a handle to the next haptic device
//cGenericHapticDevice* newHapticDevice;
//handler->getDevice(newHapticDevice, i);
/*switch (i) {
case 0:
std::cout << "HDAL: hdlInitDevice 1" << std::endl;
deviceHandle[i] = hdlInitNamedDevice("FALCON_1");
case 1:
std::cout << "HDAL: hdlInitDevice 2" << std::endl;
deviceHandle[i] = hdlInitNamedDevice("FALCON_2");
hd[i].handle = hdlInitNamedDevice(hd[i].devicename);
// Init device data
hd[i].time = 0;
if (hd[i].handle == HDL_INVALID_HANDLE)
std::cout << "Could not open device: HDL_INVALID_HANDLE" << std::endl;
// open connection to haptic device
// initialize haptic device
// store the handle in the haptic device table
//hapticDevices[i] = newHapticDevice;
// retrieve information about the current haptic device
//cHapticDeviceInfo info = newHapticDevice->getSpecifications();
// create a cursor by setting its radius
cShapeSphere* newCursor = new cShapeSphere(0.01);
// add cursor to the world
// add cursor to the cursor table
cursors[i] = newCursor;
// create a small line to illustrate velocity
cShapeLine* newLine = new cShapeLine(cVector3d(0,0,0), cVector3d(0,0,0));
velocityVectors[i] = newLine;
// add line to the world
// create a string that concatenates the device number and model name.
string strID;
cStr(strID, i);
string strDevice = "#" + strID + " - ";
// attach a small label next to the cursor to indicate device information
cLabel* newLabel = new cLabel();
newLabel->m_string = strDevice;
newLabel->setPos(0.00, 0.02, 0.00);
newLabel->m_fontColor.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// if the device provided orientation sensing (stylus), a reference
// frame is displayed
/*if (info.m_sensedRotation == true)
// display a reference frame
// set the size of the reference frame
newCursor->setFrameSize(0.05, 0.05);
// crate a small label to indicate the position of the device
cLabel* newPosLabel = new cLabel();
newPosLabel->setPos(0, -20 * i, 0);
newPosLabel->m_fontColor.set(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
labels[i] = newPosLabel;
string strLabel = "H:\\course\\EECS567\\project\\data\\";
strLabel += hd[i].devicename;
strLabel += "\\f";
cStr(strLabel, Freq[Freq_count], 2);
strLabel += ".txt";
const char * c = strLabel.c_str();
if (write_to_file)
cout<<"Output file name is: "<<strLabel<<endl;
output[i].open (c);
// increment counter
// starts servo and all haptic devices.
std::cout << "HDAL: hdlStart" << std::endl;
// sets callback for the nonblocking servo loop
//std::cout << "HDAL: hdlCreateServoOp" << std::endl;
//hdlCreateServoOp(NonBlockingServoOpCallback, NULL, bNonBlocking);
// make a specific haptic device current
// here we define the material properties of the cursor when the
// user button of the device end-effector is engaged (ON) or released (OFF)
// a light orange material color
matCursorButtonOFF.m_ambient.set(0.5, 0.2, 0.0);
matCursorButtonOFF.m_diffuse.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.0);
matCursorButtonOFF.m_specular.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// a blue material color
matCursorButtonON.m_ambient.set(0.1, 0.1, 0.4);
matCursorButtonON.m_diffuse.set(0.3, 0.3, 0.8);
matCursorButtonON.m_specular.set(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
// initialize GLUT
glutInit(&argc, argv);
// retrieve the resolution of the computer display and estimate the position
// of the GLUT window so that it is located at the center of the screen
int screenW = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH);
int screenH = glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT);
int windowPosX = (screenW - WINDOW_SIZE_W) / 2;
int windowPosY = (screenH - WINDOW_SIZE_H) / 2;
// initialize the OpenGL GLUT window
glutInitWindowPosition(windowPosX, windowPosY);
glutSetWindowTitle("CHAI 3D");
// create a mouse menu (right button)
glutAddMenuEntry("full screen", OPTION_FULLSCREEN);
glutAddMenuEntry("window display", OPTION_WINDOWDISPLAY);
// simulation in now running
simulationRunning = true;
// create a thread which starts the main haptics rendering loop
cThread* hapticsThread = new cThread();
hapticsThread->set(updateHaptics, CHAI_THREAD_PRIORITY_HAPTICS);
// start the main graphics rendering loop
// close everything
// exit
return (0);
void resizeWindow(int w, int h)
// update the size of the viewport
displayW = w;
displayH = h;
glViewport(0, 0, displayW, displayH);
// update position of labels
rootLabels->setPos(10, displayH-70, 0);
void keySelect(unsigned char key, int x, int y)
// escape key
if ((key == 27) || (key == 'x'))
// close everything
// exit application
// option 1:
if (key == '1')
useForceField = !useForceField;
if (useForceField)
printf ("- Enable force field\n");
printf ("- Disable force field\n");
if (key == '[')
Kp -= 10;
if (key == ']')
Kp += 10;
if (key == 'l')
Ki -= .1;
if (key == ';')
Ki += .1;
if (key == ',')
Kd -= 1;
if (key == '.')
Kd += 1;
if (key == 'e')
EnableHaptics = !EnableHaptics;
// option 2:
/*if (key == '2')
useDamping = !useDamping;
if (useDamping)
printf ("- Enable viscosity\n");
printf ("- Disable viscosity\n");
void menuSelect(int value)
switch (value)
// enable full screen display
// reshape window to original size
glutReshapeWindow(WINDOW_SIZE_W, WINDOW_SIZE_H);
void close(void)
// stop the simulation
simulationRunning = false;
// wait for graphics and haptics loops to terminate
while (!simulationFinished) { cSleepMs(100); }
// close all haptic devices
int i=0;
while (i < numHapticDevices)
void updateGraphics(void)
// update content of position label
double newTime = clock->getCurrentTimeSeconds();
for (int i=0; i<numHapticDevices; i++)
// read position of device an convert into millimeters
cVector3d pos;
double positionServo[3];
pos = hd[i].force;
// create a string that concatenates the device number and its position.
string strID;
cStr(strID, i);
string strLabel = "#" + strID + " x: ";
cStr(strLabel, pos.x, 5);
strLabel = strLabel + " y: ";
cStr(strLabel, pos.y, 5);
strLabel = strLabel + " z: ";
cStr(strLabel, pos.z, 5);
strLabel = strLabel + " t: ";
cStr(strLabel, newTime, 2);
strLabel = strLabel + " Kp: ";
cStr(strLabel, Kp, 2);
strLabel = strLabel + " Ki: ";
cStr(strLabel, Ki, 2);
strLabel = strLabel + " Kd: ";
cStr(strLabel, Kd, 2);
labels[i]->m_string = strLabel;
string strLabel2 = "";
cStr(strLabel2, pos.x, 5);
strLabel2 += " ";
cStr(strLabel2, pos.y, 5);
strLabel2 += " ";
cStr(strLabel2, pos.z, 5);
strLabel2 += " ";
cStr(strLabel2, clock->getCurrentTimeSeconds(), 5);
strLabel2 += "\n";
if (write_to_file)
// render world
camera->renderView(displayW, displayH);
// Swap buffers
// check for any OpenGL errors
GLenum err;
err = glGetError();
if (err != GL_NO_ERROR) printf("Error: %s\n", gluErrorString(err));
if (newTime>=EndTime)
if (Freq_count<MAX_FREQ_NUM)
for (int i = 0; i<numHapticDevices; i++)
string strLabel = "H:\\course\\EECS567\\project\\data\\";
strLabel += hd[i].devicename;
strLabel += "\\f";
cStr(strLabel, Freq[Freq_count], 2);
strLabel += ".txt";
const char * c = strLabel.c_str();
if (write_to_file)
cout<<"Output file name is: "<<strLabel<<endl;
output[i].open (c);
simulationRunning = false;
// inform the GLUT window to call updateGraphics again (next frame)
if (simulationRunning)
void updateHaptics(void)
// main haptic simulation loop
// for each device
int i=0;
double newTime = clock->getCurrentTimeSeconds();
while (i < numHapticDevices)
// read position of haptic device
cVector3d newPosition;
cVector3d errorPosition;
double positionServo[3];
double force[3];
newPosition.x = positionServo[2];
newPosition.y = positionServo[0];
newPosition.z = positionServo[1];
// update position and orientation of cursor
// read linear velocity from device
cVector3d linearVelocity;
cVector3d errorVelocity;
newPosition.subr(hd[i].pos, linearVelocity);
double interval = newTime - hd[i].time;
if (interval>0)
// update arrow
velocityVectors[i]->m_pointA = newPosition;
velocityVectors[i]->m_pointB = cAdd(newPosition, linearVelocity);
// compute a reaction force
cVector3d newForce (0,0,0);
// apply force field
if (useForceField)
if (newTime<StartTime)
newPosition.add(0, 0, 0);
force[0] = -Kp*newPosition.y - 2*Kd*linearVelocity.y;
force[1] = -Kp*newPosition.z - 2*Kd*linearVelocity.z;
force[2] = -Kp*newPosition.x - 2*Kd*linearVelocity.x;
else if(newTime<EndTime)
/*errorPosition = newPosition;
errorVelocity = linearVelocity;
errorPosition.add(0, -0.04*cSinRad(2*3.14/T*(newTime-1)), -0.04*cCosRad(2*3.14/T*(newTime-1)));
errorVelocity.add(0, -0.04*2*3.14/T*cCosRad(2*3.14/T*(newTime-1)),0.04*2*3.14/T*cSinRad(2*3.14/T*(newTime-1)));
hd[i].error +=errorPosition;
linearVelocity.add(0, 0, 0);
force[0] = -Kp*errorPosition.y - Kd*errorVelocity.y - Ki*hd[i].error.y;
force[1] = -Kp*errorPosition.z - Kd*errorVelocity.z - Ki*hd[i].error.z;
force[2] = -Kp*errorPosition.x - Kd*errorVelocity.x - Ki*hd[i].error.x;*/
errorPosition = newPosition - hd[1-i].pos;
//errorPosition.add(0, -hd[1-i].pos.y, 0);
errorVelocity = linearVelocity - hd[1-i].vel;
//errorVelocity.add(0, -hd[1-i].vel.y, 0);
hd[i].error +=errorPosition;
force[0] = -Kp*errorPosition.y - Kd*errorVelocity.y - Ki*hd[i].error.y;
force[1] = -Kp*errorPosition.z - Kd*errorVelocity.z - Ki*hd[i].error.z;
force[2] = -Kp*errorPosition.x - Kd*errorVelocity.x - Ki*hd[i].error.x;
if (i==1 && !EnableHaptics)
double f = Freq[Freq_count]; // in Hz
double T = 1/f;
//force[0] += 5*cSinRad(2*3.14/T*(newTime-StartTime));
force[0] = 0;
force[1] = 0;
force[2] = 0;
/*cVector3d Fg = gravity_compensate(newPosition);
force[0] += Fg.y;
force[1] += Fg.z;
force[2] += Fg.x;*/
hd[i].pos = newPosition;
hd[i].vel = linearVelocity;
hd[i].time = newTime;
hd[i].force.x = force[2];
hd[i].force.y = force[0];
hd[i].force.z = force[1];
// increment counter
// exit haptics thread
simulationFinished = true;
// User defined functions
cVector3d gravity_compensate(cVector3d newPosition)
//Get position of a Falcon end effector in its co-ordinate frame and transfer it to the Base frame
//co-ordinate frame
const double Pzo = 0.134; // Zero-Configuration z-offset
double px = (newPosition.y);
double py = (newPosition.z);
double pz = (newPosition.x) + Pzo;
//Computing the position of point P with respect to individial motor co-ordinate frames
//Transfering from Base frame co-ordinate frame to motor co-ordinate frame
const double r = 0.03723; // Radius of Back Plate
const double Pvo = 0.022; // Zero-Configuration v-offset
//Other parameters
const double pi = 3.141592653589793;
int j;
//Motor Joint Angles (Unit: radians)
const double phi[3] = {105.0*pi/180.0, -15.0*pi/180.0, -135.0*pi/180.0};
//Motor co-ordinate frames
double Pv[3], Pw[3], Pu[3];
Pu[j] = (cos(phi[j]) * px) + (sin(phi[j])* py) - r;
Pv[j] = -(sin(phi[j])* px) + (cos(phi[j]) * py) + Pvo;
Pw[j] = pz;
//Computing Inverse Kinematics
double T1[3];
double L0[3], L1[3], L2[3];
double theta1[3], theta2[3], theta3[3]; // Joint Angles
//Dimensions of different parameters (Unit: meter)
const double s = 0.025; // Back plate Actuator Offset
const double b = 0.103; // Length of Parallel Link
const double a = 0.060; // Length of Curved Link
const double d = 0.011; // Length of Joint Link
const double c = 0.0157; // Radius of Front Plate
//Calculating theta3
theta3[j] = acos( (Pv[j] - s) /b);
L0[j] = pow(Pw[j],2.0) + pow(Pu[j],2) + (2.0 * c * Pu[j]) - (4.0 * pow(d,2)) - (pow(b,2) * pow(sin(theta3[j]),2)) - (4.0 * b * d * sin(theta3[j])) - (2.0 * a * Pu[j]) + pow((a-c),2);
L1[j] = -4.0 * a * Pw[j];
L2[j] = pow(Pw[j],2.0) + pow(Pu[j],2) + (2.0 * c * Pu[j]) - (4.0 * pow(d,2)) - (pow(b,2) * pow(sin(theta3[j]),2)) - (4.0 * b * d * sin(theta3[j])) + (2.0 * a * Pu[j]) + pow((a+c),2);
T1[j] = (-L1[j] - sqrt(pow(L1[j],2) - (4.0*L2[j]*L0[j]))) / (2.0*L2[j]);
//Calculating theta1
theta1[j] = 2.0 * atan(T1[j]);
//Calculating theta2
theta2[j] = atan((Pw[j] - (a * sin(theta1[j])))/(Pu[j] - (a * cos(theta1[j])) + c) );
//Computing the Jacobian Matrix
cMatrix3d JF;
double JF1[3], JF2[3], JF3[3];
JF1[j] = cos(theta2[j]) * sin(theta3[j]) * cos(phi[j]) - cos(theta3[j]) * sin(phi[j]);
JF2[j] = cos(theta3[j]) * cos(phi[j]) + cos(theta2[j]) * sin(theta3[j]) * sin(phi[j]);
JF3[j] = sin(theta2[j]) * sin(theta3[j]);
cMatrix3d JI;
double JI1[3];
JI1[j] = a*sin(theta2[j] - theta1[j])*sin(theta3[j]);
cMatrix3d J;
cMatrix3d Jinv;
cMatrix3d JIinv;
cMatrix3d JT;
cMatrix3d JTinv;
//Computing Gravitational Torque
//Masses of different parts of Falcon (Units in kilograms)
const double me = 0.052; // Mass of modified falcon grip
const double mc = 0.03278; // Mass of moving plate
const double mb = 0.00841; // Mass of parallel link
const double md = 0.01037; // Mass of joint link
const double ma = 0.08935; // Mass of curved link
cVector3d Ga_Torque; //Gravitational Torque
cVector3d Gb_Torque; //Gravitational Torque
cVector3d Gc_Torque; //Gravitational Torque
cVector3d Tg; //Total gravitational torque
//Different lengths of Falcon Parts(Units in meter)
const double q = 0.022; // Length of center of mass of curved link from motor joint
//Other variables defined
const double g = 9.815; //Magnitude of Gravity - m/s^2
double m_a = g * ma * q;
Ga_Torque.set( m_a * sin((100.0*3.14/180.0) - theta1[0]) * sin(phi[0]) , m_a * sin((100.0*3.14/180.0) - theta1[1]) * sin(phi[1]) , m_a * sin((100.0*3.14/180.0) - theta1[2]) * sin(phi[2]) );
double m_b = a * g * (mb + md);
Gb_Torque.set( m_b * sin(theta1[0]) * sin(phi[0]) , m_b * sin(theta1[1]) * sin(phi[1]) , m_b * sin(theta1[2]) * sin(phi[2]) );
cVector3d Gc_Force;
Gc_Force.x = 0.0;
Gc_Force.y = (3.0* (mb+md) + mc + me) * g;
Gc_Force.z = 0.0;
// Computing total gravitational torque
Tg = Ga_Torque - Gb_Torque + Gc_Torque;
// Computing the required gravity force from gravitational torque
cVector3d Gravity;
// Converting from back plate to Falcons Co-ordinate system
cVector3d Fg;
return Fg;
these #include <hdl/hdl.h> #include <hdlu/hdlu.h> are the include files that i can not find.
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This code is not an original CHAI3D example and seems to have been modified for a specific application.
Furthermore this example also uses the older 2.0 version of CHAI3D and may need to be partially updated in order to work.
My suggestion is to use example 02-multi-devices from CHAI3D 3.1 as a starter and copy the different sections of the code from your example.
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