CConstants.h File Reference

Implements mathematical constants. More...

#include "system/CGlobals.h"

Go to the source code of this file.




const bool chai3d::C_ERROR = false
 Function returns with an error. More...
const bool chai3d::C_SUCCESS = true
 Function returns successfully. More...
const double chai3d::C_TWO_PI = 6.28318530717958647692
 Two PI constant. More...
const double chai3d::C_PI = 3.14159265358979323846
 PI constant. More...
const double chai3d::C_PI_DIV_2 = 1.57079632679489661923
 PI constant divided by two. More...
const double chai3d::C_DEG2RAD = 0.01745329252
 Conversion from degrees to radians. More...
const double chai3d::C_RAD2DEG = 57.2957795131
 Conversion from radians to degrees. More...
const double chai3d::C_TINY = 1e-49
 Smallest value near zero for a double. More...
const double chai3d::C_SMALL = 0.000000001
 Small value near zero. More...
const double chai3d::C_LARGE = 1e+49
 Biggest value for a double. More...
const double chai3d::C_LARGE_FLOAT = 1e37
 Biggest value for a float. More...